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Almost Live From The Castanet Club – Ep 2

Sit back, put on your loudest shirt, and enjoy! Newcastle Museum is proud to bring you Almost Live from the Castanet Club!

With current public health orders preventing visitors from experiencing our special exhibition The Castanet Club – An exhibition you can dance to! in person, we’re bringing the fun to you with this limited release variety show.

In true Castanet Club collaborative style, we’ve gathered talented musicians, videographers, sound engineers and visual artists to produce a modern take on a classic Novocastrian attitude: get your friends together, have fun, make art and share it!

In today’s show Maynard goes on a deep dive into the complex history of and uses for bunting with Newcastle Museum’s head bunter Emma and ask who on a Royal Navy ship is known as the “bunts”? Lance Norton overcomes a shambolic start to a Tom Jones classic at the Sydney Trade Union Club in December 1984, and we finish off with high operatic drama from the Nutbush Seating Limits singing The Legend of Xanadu!

Watch our second show from Newcastle Museum.

Watch The Castanet Club Comes to YOU!

The Castanet Club facebook page

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