Maynardarama (Maynard Opens Up) video livestream October
Maynard celebrates his opening up, and we all find out how excited the people and cats of Australia are about that.
The whole shabang has a heap of great tunes, fun and foolishness.
Lots of guests, including Tim Ferguson, George Hrab, Tony Push, Richard Saunders (dancing) and introducing Leslie Fountain as our new “choreography correspondent”.
There is an unseen version of Venus from The Castanet Club from 1986 that will give you some lighting tips.
Also thrill to Tea Towel Time and the Smart Ass Quiz with my silent co-hosts hippo Anderson Cooper and teddy Noam Chomsky.
Bring your cat.
I promise average entertainment for no apparent reason.
Maynardarama October 2021 (Maynard Opens Up)
Silent co-hosts hippo Anderson Cooper and teddy Noam Chomsky.
Maynard celebrates his opening up, and we all find out how excited the people and cats of Australia are about that.
The whole shabang has a heap of great tunes, fun and foolishness.
Lots of guests, including Tim Ferguson, George Hrab, Tony Push, Richard Saunders (dancing) and introducing Leslie Fountain as our new “choreography correspondent”.
There is an unseen version of Venus from The Castanet Club from 1986 that will give you some lighting tips.
Also thrill to Tea Towel Time and the Smart Ass Quiz with my silent co-hosts hippo Anderson Cooper and teddy Noam Chomsky.
Bring your cat.
I promise average entertainment for no apparent reason.
Watch August Maynardarama