The calm before the storm that will be Bunga Bunga live, The Festival of Dumb Ideas. Tuesday night Sydney. Maynard meets Tim Ferguson in his Fortress of Arrogance, surrounded by an impenetrable ice wall, no criticism of any kind can get through. In their excitement Tim & Maynard insult most of the major cities of…
Two interviews with Melbourne’s Bachelors from Prague, 1989 & 1990. Henry Maas & Andrew Philipp are both up early (twice) to talk about The Energetic Cool and Great albums. Despite my not really being able to describe their sound or genre accurately, Henry and Andrew are very patient with me. Even going so far as…
Bunga Bunga 41 has Tim Ferguson giving dating advice to Maynard, but in doing so, he reveals a terrible secret. They both reveal the until now, secret upcoming Bunga Bunga live show; The Festival of Dumb Ideas, to be recorded at Harold Park Hotel, 14th November. they want to meet their audience and simultaneously find…
BUNGA BUNGA LIVE! The hilarious podcast BUNGA BUNGA will be performed & recorded live! Tuesday 14th November at their local, The Harold Park Hotel, Glebe. Funny man Maynard & even funnier man Tim Ferguson, present an evening of comedy, wits and foolishness.. Smart, sharp, sexy are just 3 words! Learn even more words at the…
The Killjoys from Melbourne were always one on my favourite bands from that city. Although musically the opposite of bands like The Bachelors From Prague and certainly TISM, they carried a similar fun loving spirit about their music and live they were always, well, a delight. On 5th July 1991 I recorded this for the…
Tim Ferguson & Maynard return with Bunga Bunga 40. A Bunga Bunga show that mends Australia’s ills and heals our society, but sadly they again fail to fix each other. We bring you real news, fake news, answer your Crankmail, present Moneyshot Theatre, take a journey in the Tim Tunnel with Tim and change the…
Dave Mulligan brought Dave’s Dud Discs into my life originally in 1986 on Radio Stupid, the Saturday morning show on 2SER-FM. “Rare ungroovy” would be the best way to explain the collection of over 10,000 7″ singles that are in Dave’s collection. These segments are from the Triple J breakfast show 1988 & 1990 and…
September is here in the 2017 Maynard calendar, and to celebrate the burst of colour that is Spring, it’s in full black & white monochrome. Do you recognise everyone pictured? There’s Stuart Wagstaff & Rachael Beck from my appearance on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune. The Teen Queens when they dropped in on Mind Twist one…
Bunga Bunga went live with The Festival of Dumb Ideas on Tuesday night. Here is Act 1 of an important moment in Bunga Bunga history. Live from The Harold Park Hotel (how did Tim get upstairs?) in Glebe, 2037. Tim Ferguson and Maynard risk it all in a grab for podcasting glory. Act 1 contains…