In 1942 the Japanese invasion of Australia seemed imminent and inevitable. Scorched Earth plans to deny the Japanese invaders were drawn up across Australia and Sue Rosen uncovered the very detailed New South Wales Scorched Earth plans that had been forgotten and misfiled at the end of the Second World War. The plans drawn up…
The pantomime horse of Australian podcasting Bunga Bunga 36 is back in your ears with a burst of wisdom, advice and poor life choices that you can take to the bunk. That isn’t a typo. Tim Ferguson is earning dancer dollars with a butter dish while Maynard is earning a high distinction in misdirection by…
The Dynamic Hepnotics cut a rug across Australia & New Zealand in the 7 years they played across your wide brown land. And they are returning for 3 shows only. 1 in Sydney, 2 in Melbourne. These days they are busy people with busy music careers, so I put my foot in the door of…
The latest What Double J Should Sound Like has the groove brought to you by myself and DJ ADHD. Here’s a list of the tunes you’ll find inside episode 150. Episode 150 track list Go Home Productions – Essex Doves (David Essex vs The Doves) La La Land cast – Another Day of Sun CCS…
It’s always a fun day when Bunga Bunga comes to play. We had a small audience gather at the Madame Frou Frou Cafe for this recording of Bunga Bunga. Tim Ferguson was his usual showboating self, and he wasted no time taking names and assigning blame to those who richly deserve it. Tim thinks the…
Over 2000 people participated in the March For Science Sydney. I was there with Dr Karl, Julie McCrossin, Richard Saunders and plenty of fellow travellers in support of Science. Here’s the full video from the day, you might see someone you know.
The music podcast that always makes my long weekend better, What Double J Should Sound Like (WDJSSL) had me as guest once again and we offer you an hour of musical satisfaction. There’s Negativeland,The Crass, Public Enemy, ABC, Right Said Fred, Hayseed Dixie, Dario G, B-52s und more..
The unedited interview sounds from Maynard and Cliff Richard squashed together in a small hotel room with producer Chris Norris during Cliff Richard’s 1991 Australian tour. Cliff answers questions from listeners honestly about his music, make-up, miming and celibacy. What is his favourite song? Hint: It’s not the same as Maynard’s.
Adam West was fond of saying that the 1960s were about the three Bs; Beatles, Bond and Batman. While that may be an over simplification, I am overly simple. So I’ll go with that. I’ve curated a short video list of Adam West performances below that are well worth your screentime. The mere idea that…