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Maynard as lawyer lawyer for Doctor Doctor

Thanks to the cast and crew of Doctor Doctor for letting me in to lend some great legal support to Hugh in his time of need. Think of me as the Dr Nick of lawyers. Sometimes you don’t have to say anything to get your message across. Click here to view

Maynard sells Equal with no aftertaste

In 1995 Ogilvy & Mather hired me to front a series of four 15 second TV ads for Equal sweetener. Keep an eye out for Jenny Hope, as an indignant mother, she has been a long time Micallef regular and producer of kids quiz show Mind Twist I hosted for Channel 10. I did like…

My last interview with James Freud

I was lucky to interview James Freud a number of times in the 80s and 90s, this tape I found recently was the last radio interview I did with him after the release of his Step Into The Heat album in 1990. Mushroom had spent a record amount on the album, something that James hadn’t…

Spin Out movie opening night party

The big opening night party before the Sydney launch of Tim Ferguson’s movie Spin Out. Lots of excitement about ute driving and free drinks. Paul Livingston, Paul McDermott, Ted Robinson & hordes of Tim’s fans had something to say to Maynard. McDermott and Livingston give Maynard the first reports of the Doug Anthony All Stars…

Miss Death & Maynard live @ WDJSSL 2nd Birthday Party

What Double J Should Sound Like celebrated its 2nd birthday and over 118 shows last Friday with a bang up party at the Sydney Gaelic Club. Join Miss Death and Maynard as they warm up the crowd early in the evening. Miss Death with her signature spooky sounds and Maynard as he takes a dip…

Spin Out – Tim Ferguson, Queen of the Desert

Maynard is on the set of Tim Ferguson’s new movie Spin Out in Shepparton. Meet the crew, the cast, the dog, and the local police as Maynard talks Utes and circle work. Hear from Tim Ferguson, Morgan Griffin, Xavier Samuel, PiaGrace Moon, Lisa Kowalski, Thomas Blackburne, Travis Jeffery and other members of the cast and…

Tim Ritchie’s empty Sydney

Tim Ritchie has been involved in the musical life of Sydney since the 70s. He has fallen into early morning photography (via bicycle) for a few years now and his first exhibition is open all this month at Folonomo Gallery in Bourke St. Let’s get arty, talking with Tim Ritchie, Paris from Groovescooter, DJ ADHD,…

What Double J Should Sound Like turns the big 2

What Double J Should Sound Like turned 2 recently and to celebrate the fact that Campbell Drummond, Jay Katz and crew have run out of periodic table elements to number shows with, it’s the End of Elements party this Friday night at The Gaelic Club in Sydney. The Gaelic Club will be arranged in Lounge…

Jack The House 4 returns Friday

This Friday night sees the return to The Sly Fox hotel in Enmore of Jack The House 4. DJ Mark Dynamix, Steve Gordon & Phil Smart will be bringing you the sounds from 1988 – 1992 that you haven’t heard that loud, or ever heard at all. The mixed happy crowd that is the trait…

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