Tag Archives: Tim Ferguson

Tim Ferguson’s Big Stick

Carry A Big Shtick more like it.

Tim Ferguson has finally published his memoir, Carry A Big Stick, recalling his life and his intentionally comedic moments as well.

Ever since the very first time since I met Tim at the Adelaide Festival Fringe in 1986 when I presented the Doug Anthony All Stars with the “Pick Of The Fringe” award, that the Castanet Club had won the previous festival, I’ve wanted to see inside his house.

Well, dear listener, today is our day.

Tim opens up on his partners in comedy crime as well as his MS and his secret love for a film not made by George Lucas.

He also takes your questions, and you might not like his answers. I know I didn’t.

Tim Ferguson is my favourite failed NSW Senate candidate ever!

The Death Of Narrative?

Are there any good stories left? Has shitty reality TV killed narrative? Maynard asks Tim Ferguson, Jack Marx, Tony Push & Fiona Scott-Norman about the lack of good story telling on TV and at the movies. Or maybe it’s alive and well after all?

Tim Ferguson – The Cheeky Monkey

Tim Ferguson has been a funny guy all his life. Whether as part of Doug Anthony All Stars or producing shows for ABC & Foxtel. His new book tells you how to be funny, get rich and maybe even get laid. The Cheeky Monkey is almost as good as being in his screenwriting class at RMIT, except you don’t get to check out his hot ass.