Category Archives: General

What happened to Sandman

The Sandman, Steve Abbott is back to let you know where he’s been and maybe where he’s not going.

What Happened To Sandman – or How I Became A Birdwatcher.

Starts in Canberra May 28 and 29 at Street 2 Theatre. Depending on how Steve and his Director Warren Coleman feel, it may go as far as Taree, maybe even further.

Steve is a very engaging performer that you can spend time in a small room with without regret. Last time I checked, no other show in Australia was offering visual proof of an audience epiphany. Not even those really well State funded shows with costumes.

Contact the theatre

Maynard & Madd Club play Jack The House 3

It’s a rare Madd Club show Friday night as The Madd Club and myself jump around and play the really retro tracks from EMF, KLF & RSF. Probably other stuff from the 90s that doesn’t have 3 letter abbreviations too. The Sly Fox in Enmore is the venue and we’ll be on about 10pm. Kate Monroe is after us and frankly she’s a bit nervous that we might break something, find out Friday night. I don’t think we’ll be doing this again anytime soon.

Details at Jack the House 3

Tim Ferguson, the eternal conundrum; Prince v Morrissey

With the very untimely passing of Prince, we revisit Bunga Bunga 23 in which Tim Ferguson settles once and for all the philosphical challenge through the ages.

Prince or Morrissey? And can you even have both?

Over to you Ferguson….

Jo Grant- Look out Doctor! Here comes a big one.

Jo Grant with Jon Pertwee on the Whocycle.
Jo Grant with Jon Pertwee on the Whocycle.

The charming and diminutive Katy Manning played Whovian companion Jo Grant 1971-1973 with Jon Pertwee as the third Doctor Who. Together they battled Daleks, Autons and giant evil green maggots from Wales. This interview is from Maynard breakfast show 1991. Katy’s favourite line of dialogue was:”look out Doctor! Here comes a big one.” A line that occurred in more than one episode. Katy Manning has promised a rematch interview on her next visit to Australia.

Look out indeed. Here comes a live one.

Warning: Katy Manning is a screamer.

On Waterfront Records – Chris Dunn

Black Flag t-shirts
Chris Dunn has only just started putting out the shirts.

Records on shelf
Import records fresh out the crate.

Chris Dunn was one of the people behind Waterfront Records in Sydney, a legendary record shop and a record label that put out more than 170 releases between 1982 – 1997. The Hard Ons, Tumbleweed & Ratcat were the kind of sound that was favoured by Chris Dunn & Steven Stavrakis . Chris has just opened a vinyl record bar, The Edwards Shop in Newcastle West so he can hang out with his Mum more.

Enjoy this primer on Waterfront Records as Chris schools Maynard on running an indie record label in the 1980s and you can give Chris a visit to see what’s new on his shelves this week.

The Edwards Record Shop on Facebook

DJ Paul Holden – In his own words

I had the pleasure to interview Mr Paul Holden and have him share some of his life in the DJ box and the dance floor.

He is no longer out there championing the cause of good grooves and vinyl.

Enjoy this time Paul Holden and myself spent on his rooftop, chatting about the feeling you get when THAT track is mixed in, among thousands, but you felt that Paul was maybe playing it just for you.

He is a part of our dance culture that many people who go to bed at 9pm might not understand, but WE were there and so was DJ Paul Holden.

Thank you for the interview Paul…

What Double J SHOULD Sound Like show 92

One of the shows I have a great time recording whenever they will have me is; What Double J Should Sound Like where Campbell, Jay Katz & Mr Hickey fight against the bland out of linear radio.

I joined them for show 91 & 92 today and we had a time that you may well enjoy.

Show 91 includes Prince, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Rebel MC & The Mohawks plus some very stoner sounds from the 60s.

Show 92 has Supernaut, KLF, Peter Miller, the controversial Crush, The Cure, Tim Ferguson serving it up to Thompson Twins, a special song about this week’s featured element of the Periodic Table, Magic Carpet Ride und more.

Have a listen