Tag Archives: Allen & Unwin

Australia’s Scorched Earth Plan- Sue Rosen

In 1942 the Japanese invasion of Australia seemed imminent and inevitable. Scorched Earth plans to deny the Japanese invaders were drawn up across Australia and Sue Rosen uncovered the very detailed New South Wales Scorched Earth plans that had been forgotten and misfiled at the end of the Second World War.

The plans drawn up included everything from starting aggressive bush fires to hinder the Japanese and using sharpened Ironbark as improvised bayonets to making sure no soldier of Japan captures your tennis shoes.

December 1941, Australian Women's Weekly, What To Do in an Air Raid. This advice also holds good when your housemate has a rave at your share house.
December 1941, Australian Women’s Weekly, What To Do in an Air Raid. This advice also holds good when your housemate has a rave at your share house.

Sue Rosen’s Scorched Earth page with extra details and maps

Schadenfreude? Or just plain epicaricacy?

Nicholas Hudson has authored Modern Australian Usage: A practical guide for writers & editors. As Maynard is rubbish at writing, he hopes to get pointers on Australian English and how to win at Scrabble for once. May contain adult concepts, like spelling.

Nick has a wonderful Terry Thomas like cadence when he talks about his approach to editing Australian English.

Does a barrister still have forensic skills?

Am I discriminating against my clothing every day?

Why use a fancy pants Teutonic word when we have perfectly good English word laying around doing nothing?

Modern Australian Usage: A practical guide for writers & editors, by Nicholas Hudson is published by Allen & Unwin. More information here

Peter Brune on the fall of Malaya & Singapore – Descent Into Hell

The fall of Malaya and Singapore and the experiences of the men in the POW camps is difficult subject matter. Peter Brune has spent 9 years on his 600 page book Descent Into Hell. He has written about the issues of war in a bluntly honest way.

The Lost Legions Of Fromelles

Peter Barton has produced a reference work for the WW1 battle of Fromelles. The book has taken 10 years for him to produce and tells the story from both sides. Peter Barton has given more perspective to a very brutal battle in Australian military history.