Tag Archives: Tim Ferguson

Bunga Bunga 9 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

The power of the Bunga Bunga is strong in this one. Tim Ferguson gives Australian politics a piece of his mind. Maynard can’t spare any of his and asks Tim about Jesus. A Skeptic drops by. Can you pick the accent of our waitress at the Cafe Frou Frou? The show in search of a format marches on…

Bunga Bunga 8 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Once you go Bunga you never go back. Tim Ferguson & Maynard solve your medical and political problems. But you may leave with more issues than you arrived with. Guests: Richard Saunders of Australian Skeptics & Wealthy Jesus of Glebe Pt Road.

Bunga Bunga 7 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Maynard and Tim Ferguson take a wild sexual ride through the experiences of the listeners. This show features the Doug Anthony All Stars on Maynard’s Triple J breakfast show May 1990. This show is not for children, especially that little kid that keeps mouthing off at us. This truly is average entertainment, for no apparent reason.

Bunga Bunga 6 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Tim Ferguson and Maynard navigate the uncharted waters of a show with no format. We brown nose, we celebrate, but above all, we listen to you and announce the biggest intellectual challenge to our audience ever. Dating, TV and yet another new opening theme.

Bunga Bunga Ep 5 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Tim and Maynard search for a format yet again. We ask you about your pet sex names and Tim gets harsh reviews from a young local boy. Maynard eats an odd shaped cookie. Again. The audience is put on notice to lift their game.

Bunga Bunga Ep 4 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Tim is back from Hobart. Maynard test drives a theme tune. We answer your crankmail. You choose to most erotic word & tell us what modern love about. Could Flying High be made in 2014? Maynard interviews Doug Anthony All Stars from London 1990. Just what is in our “bug out” bag?

Bunga Bunga Ep 3 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

The show that shouldn’t have had a 1st episode, has a 3rd. Tim Ferguson and Maynard take your questions and ask a few of their own. Tim Ferguson makes bold statements about politics, burlesque AND Richard Fidler (completely unsupported by facts) Maynard swears twice and admits to reading a book recently. PLUS your regular dose of Lorne Greene. This show is going nowhere even faster than we thought.

Bunga Bunga Ep 2 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Maynard and Tim Ferguson attempt a 2nd episode of the show that should never be. Tim gives his right of reply to the Federal budget, Maynard describes his letterbox & we play some more Lorne Greene. It’s the opposite of compelling.

Bunga Bunga Ep 1 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

All three of us look surprised to be on the first episode of Bunga Bunga. Maynard brings the shonky music, Tim Ferguson brings a shonky theory about candida infection at The Edinburgh Festival. Skeptical Richard Saunders is guest.