Maynard brings the colour and movement that was The Castanet Club 1982-1991 into your home (for 61 very odd minutes)*.
Videos and songs from Castanet Club archives, as well as some photos even we’ve never seen. The Castanets make themselves at home at your place. See the Newcastle Museum exhibition from afar, close up and live from Maynard International Studios. Plus videos of a few of the artists that influenced The Castanet Club.
Using only sticky tape and a Gestetner machine see what Maynard can do with some really old photo slides and VHS tapes.
*show may not go as planned. Some viewers may be underwhelmed.
Here is the first show from Saturday 17th July, The Castanet Club Comes to YOU!

Watch the second (and final) Castanet Club Comes to You! from 31st July.
Download your free 18 month 2021 -2022 Castanet Club calendar here.