Saturday night the People’s republic of Newtown will have the talents of Kate, Action Ant and Maynard on display as Madd Club returns to The Moshpit. This gig will not be live streamed like the last one, so you actually have to leave your house this time.
It’s $10 on the door, which will be open from 7.30pm and they’ll take you through to Midnite. The capacity is limited to 50 and that includes us three, so be early.
Plus a new innovation in the history of public entertainment. You will receive a ticket on entry to maybe win a “seemingly lucky door prize”.
More 80s sounds (with a bit of 70s & 90s to fulfil the Newtown diversity charter) that you expect from Madd Club an a few interpretive dances, performed poorly.
See you there!
A peekaboo at what we did last time