Enjoy some sucking as Tim Ferguson and Maynard thank you personally for being a Patreon of Planet Maynard & Bunga Bunga. July’s Patreon Pandering comes from the Tim Ferguson fortress of arrogance and redoubt of famed alt right feline Kitler.
This month, as well as your own name praised, Tim and Maynard offer their private opinions about you all, as well as bringing the profession of psychology into doubt.
You can do the same and get a monthly show that panders to YOU personally, that only the pandered Patreons can receive. Join us!
Tim Ferguson and Maynard in Bunga Bunga 46, a shenanigan that will live in infamy, answer the questions other podcasts even fear to speak aloud. We even crack open our Crankmail.
When is unfunny funny?
Should you be polite to Hitler?
Why can’t Tim Ferguson ever be friends with Paul McCartney? “If that’s the level of clarity Paul McCartney has about his own lyrics, no wonder John Lennon hated his guts.”
What music does Maynard really play in his VW?
Plus speculation on $2 wine and Buddha’s bladder. Sure, it’s not a great wine, but it is WINE.
This is a podcast described by a 9 year old who didn’t get an ice cream as “this is bullshit”.
We find out that Tim has given Maynard a valuable gift for his Bug Out Bag (maybe).
Maynard becomes the Grammar Guy. “I don’t even know what a split infinitive is, but I know what I like.”
Tim saves Canada and but more importantly,finally uncovers the Greens fiendish endgame.
Time for a serious Oxford Street lunch with Lance Leopard, but not till after an even more serious viewing of Valley of the Dolls, a movie Lance agrees is a “great starting point for any camp movie collection’.
Join Maynard as he visits Lance Leopard, high in his ivory tower of scuttlebutt, where all secrets are hidden and revealed, overlooking the inhospitable wilds of Darlinghurst.
Topics covered in this show include, Delilah, The Gibson Brothers, Madonna’s movie career, Jane Fonda, Liberace, Marilyn Monroe on the piano, Bill Collins, Village People, Claire de Lune, Joe Hasham and ABBA.
Lance declares two “stupid films” that should never have been made. While Maynard gets the best scene from Tank Girl wrong.
And the next time someone you know isn’t getting what you are saying, just do what Lance does, and ask them; “can you hear the drums Fernando?”.
Lance did have a few other things he wished to be quoted on;
“I’m glad you’re working hard on this show Maynard, I’m as lazy as Dean Martin.”
“I thought the Madonna film Body of Evidence was a great film in a genre I’ve made up called faux Hitchcock.”
“Madonna can act, when she’s directed well and she’s not the leading character.”
“My favourite Bond film is Moonraker, it’s James Bond in space AND Shirley Bassey belts out the theme song.”
“I ironed Neil Tenant’s pants once backstage because the Pet Shop Boys wardrobe assistant had gone missing at The Phoenix Bar on ecstasy or something. I blame the gays.”
“I have long arms, so it never looks like I’m taking a selfie. It looks like I’m just waving.”
“I’ve been called a gay icon, and I’ve been called worse.”
“Now a new audience has rediscovered me, I’m trapped with my quiff, my perfect eyebrows and my matte complexion.”
” Now that I’m older, I’ve realised timing and lighting is EVERYTHING.”
Enjoy your lunch with Lance, see you at the buffet….
A regular monthly micro show, Patreon Pandering, is very secret squirrel with the intention to thank all the Patreon supporters that keep Planet Maynard spinning.
This month Lance Leopard and Tim Ferguson open a bottle of thank you cream, and spread over where it is needed most, the supporters, who, month after month give Planet Maynard the goose it needs to keep going.
In this Bunga Bunga 45, Tim Ferguson & Maynard deal with comedy, politics, cats, podcasting, fashion, war movies, cartoons, smoking, karaoke, history, religion as well as your Crankmail. Without exception they get it all completely wrong.
Tim gives you the names of the best comics at the recent Melbourne Comedy Festival and both of them will impress you with their sporting knowledge.
The only Australian podcast that is all about generalisations and obfuscations, you can never accuse Bunga Bunga of clarity.
A new regular monthly micro show, Patreon Pandering, has kicked off from Planet Maynard to thank all the Patreon supporters that keep the show afloat.
Appropriately titled Patreon Pandering, it will hopefully blow smoke up where it is needed most, the supporters who, month after month, goose Planet Maynard to keep going.
The Maynard 2018 pictorial calendar has arrived to give you a year on Planet Maynard.
Download this PDF and have it printed in A5, A4 or even A3 for a year of Maynard on the wall or desk of your choice. Click on this link and then save the calendar to your desktop.
Not everyone has a Planet Maynard calendar, it’s not where you live, and we’re both glad about that.
Return to the murky meme infested world of Bunga Bunga live. Act 2 of The Festival of Dumb Ideas.
In which Tim Ferguson & Maynard are still faffing around on stage at The Harold Park Hotel, on 14th November.
They launch a tremendous new quiz show, Well Bunga Me! in which Cheron makes a few mistakes.
Guests: Simon Day (Ratcat & graphic designer) & Carrie Hardie (comedy agent & producer)
Subjects this show include; Australian film, the Catholic Church, Tim’s powerful and compelling artwork and the cat that works at The Sydney Morning Herald.
A Very Bunga Bunga Xmas Live! will be at Harold Park Hotel, Sydney, Tuesday 19th December, 7:30pm. All the Bunga Bunga antics, a special guest and Maynard’s Xmas Bug Out Sack. Tim shows his Xmas Boob. Spread the word, save the date. Tickets online here.
We have it together to record our Very Bunga Bunga Xmas show, live, at Harold Park Hotel, Glebe, 2037 on 19th December at 7:30pm.
Special Guest: Continental Robert of The Dynamic Hepnotics & Simon Day (Ratcat)
If you were at the first live recording, you know how much of the show doesn’t make the final edit.