Category Archives: Bunga Bunga

Bunga Bunga 74- Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 74 answers the eternal question “what is art?” with Tim Ferguson and Maynard. “It’s on the wall you goose”, is the only answer you need.

“Art is problematic Maynard. Let’s face it. It doesn’t fucking go with anything.”

Wendy Harmer

Tim Ferguson has been making art, while Maynard has become a librarian. We find out what fridge magnets have to do with painting as Paul Livingston & Tim go big on the cask wine at their big arty opening at The Sheffer Gallery in Darlington. Hear from Wendy Harmer, Andrew Denton, Gretel Killeen, Russell Cheek and plenty of people who actually know what “outsider art” and “gestural” actually mean.

Come for the insults to an iconic Canadian mammal, stay for Herb Alpert’s maracas in your left ear.

Bunga Bunga 74 is the intersection that proves both Oscar Wilde and Wendy Harmer may be right. You don’t get that every day. But what you do get every day can’t be put on a wall with accent lights. It mightn’t be the Bunga you want, but in these contemporaneous times, it’s the Bunga Bunga you need.

Only 10 minutes after opening and it's almost packed.
Only 10 minutes after opening and it’s almost packed. Photo: David Art Wales

Have a look at the artworks of Tim Ferguson & Paul Livingston, there are only a few unsold.

Maynard likes this painting. It's the only one done by both Paul and Tim at the exhibition.
Maynard likes this painting. It’s the only one done by both Paul and Tim at the exhibition. Paul talks about his desecration of Tim’s work during the podcast.
Paul Livingston artwork. Photo: David Art Wales
Paul Livingston artwork. Photo: David Art Wales
Tim Ferguson colour drawing of Paul Livingston.
Tim Ferguson colour drawing of Paul Livingston. Photo: David Art Wales
Kylie Minogue relaxes during Bunga Bunga 74 recording.
Kylie Minogue relaxes during Bunga Bunga 74 recording.
Tim Ferguson and Wendy Harmer take a brief nap during the proceedings.
Tim Ferguson and Wendy Harmer take a brief nap during the proceedings.

Details here for the online art contest Tim mentioned at the end of the show from Achieve Australia.

Bunga Bunga 73 was wild!

Bunga Bunga 73- Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 73 has you wading fearlessly into the intellectual end of the inflatable kiddie pool with Tim Ferguson and Maynard.

You will soon learn your lesson in ethics as topics impetuously covered in this show include comedy, Gumby, cheese, poo and Peter Dutton.

Tim is writing a book, quelling a riot and giving advice to the Prime Minister. Maynard enjoys colourful plasticine.

It’s a great show! Just listen to these two tell you how good a listen it is. Look, cute puppy.

A ringing endorsement from your hosts. Look, cute puppy.
Tim Ferguson at home with Daphne the dachshund.
Tim Ferguson at home with Daphne the dachshund.

Get along to see Tim Ferguson at Adelaide Fringe this week for the world premiere of his new show Disability Rules!

Bunga Bunga 72 was pretty cool.

A Very Maynard Xmas 2022

A Very Maynard Xmas is the highlight of the year for people who don’t get out a lot. The extravaganza purports to have a level of Xmas pageantry rarely seen in Australia. This year the spotlight occasionally falls on “unimpressed Germans”: witness attempts by a handful of varied musicians that fail to crack a smile on that Germanic dial.

Our guests dropping by this year include Tim Ferguson, Lesley Fountain, Chris Kelly from Ship O Fools, Brigitte Handley, Christopher Laird, Tony Push, Frank Bennett, George Hrab, Mari Wilson, “Weird” Al Yankovic, 3 pugs and loads of Yuletide surprises.

A Very Maynard Xmas 2022 promises you almost two hours of Xmas entertainment you probably won’t be able to describe to friends afterwards. “There was this guy in a suit and Toyah, a bugle, fire, Vegemite, Mari Wilson cursed a fig tree & a Dark Wave guy held up signs in his pyjamas while someone read a poem in Dymocks”.

Chris Kelly and Maynard try to be balanced. A Very Maynard Xmas 2022.
Chris Kelly and Maynard try to be fair and balanced.
Maynard with co hosts on A Very Maynard Xmas 2022
Maynard with co-hosts communist teddy bear lawyer Noam Chomsky and Anderson Cooper the hippo.
Chris Kelly has his cricket bats in the air with Maynard. A Very Maynard Xmas 2022
Chris Kelly has his cricket bats in the air with Maynard. Just watch those three bubble machines pump.
Kid on bike during Chile president press conference.
Superstar kid on his bike during Chile press conference.
Still wondering what’s on the show? This get’s the flimsy idea across in under a minute.

Watch A Very Maynard Xmas 2021

Watch A Very 2020 Maynard Xmas.

Bunga Bunga 72 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Tim Ferguson & Maynard return to face their recent recriminations. Tim is making art. Maynard finds his art in a Glebe back alley. Contains occasional casual burlesque.

The Nitty Gritty dance that blew Tim’s mind is here:

The version of Moon River is Audrey’s vocal as used in the film. It wasn’t available outside the movie till after her death in 1993.

We sneak in Terri “Cup Cake” O’Mason mistaking her baking speciality by referring to her as “Cookie”. Sorry Terri.

Terri O'Mason album cover
Terri O’Mason doing her naughty thing.

Thanks to Ben Begley, Slice Radio & Peter Young for your Crankmail in this show.

Watch Lesley Fountain’s Wonderful World of Dance and be as impressed as Tim was by the video spectacular.

Bunga Bunga 71 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 71 reaches across the aisle to goose your jaded pooka.

Tim Ferguson calls the upcoming Federal election. It was when Labor was ahead by 10 points. But he’s probably right, yet again. Maynard risks COVID by going out and working Electric Dreams on the 30th.

In a show described by media pundits as “you get what you get and you don’t get upset” Tim and Maynard talk a big game and leave you with a free kick that you never knew you needed.

Reg Mombasa's painting Australian Jesus helps Noah with his Ark
As discussed in Crankmail, Australian Jesus helps Noah with his Ark by Reg Mombassa

Your Crankmail asks about Telly Savalas, Ricardo Montalban, and just what was that nice lady on Romper Room doing with that mirror? Do you really think Bunga Bunga 71 has the answers…

“Time for big ideas Australia. Let’s build a Sydney Harbour Bridge to Adelaide. Sure, we’ll regret it later, but now is the time!”

Tim Ferguson – Uncivil Engineer

Tim’s new modern not-at-all-like-Davros electric wheelchair gets a test drive while we visit 1994 and ruin another Historical Hypothetical with the help of the Premier of NSW.

“Buckle in for a policy free, vision absent six weeks election campaign where occasionally The Greens will stand up and say ‘Clive Palmer shouted at us’.”

Tim Ferguson – psephologist
Elvis the Safety Owl
Elvis The Safety Owl welcomes you aboard his school bus.

Support Bunga Bunga and Planet Maynard by becoming a Patreon

Tim’s art available by commission

Listen to Bunga Bunga 70

Maynard plays Electric Dreams, Botany View Hotel, Newtown, 30th April

Tim Ferguson’s merchandise on Redbubble

Bunga Bunga 70 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

This time on the enlightening falsehood that is Bunga Bunga 70, Tim Ferguson and Maynard lead you on a wild goose chase down the rabbit hole of froth and bubble.

You’ll encounter manic expansionism, lack of credibility, confused animals, three word headlines and The Brothers Gibb.

Tim insults the young, Paul Livingstone decries Tim’s art, then they announce an art exhibition in June together.

Bernard King's Winter Cookbook cover
Bernard King’s Winter Cookbook cover

“If you are sporting a mullet today, don’t tell me you can’t dress like Boy George tomorrow.”

Tim Ferguson – fashion plate
Face Magazine 1982 cover
The Face with Haircut 100, June 1982.

We hear you peeing, ask which side Tim’s cat is on, bemoan the lack of banana diplomatic representation, find a new job for the Prime Minister, ask who is your favourite Bernard and pose the perennial question “when does ugh boot season officially start?’.

In time travel news: 1982 is back, so learn how to talk all art school. Might come in handy next time you enter the Archibald prize.

Should the next Doctor Who be a cat? Should it have a limp? Are baked desserts part of the ABC News charter?

Bunga Bunga 70 is beguiling yet ribald as Maynard appreciates the subtle use of a Greek fisherman’s cap while Tim still wants to know why you are so ignorant. Don’t even get him started on kale…

“Most young people couldn’t even decide what colour helmet to wear if they went into space.”

Tim Ferguson – magnanimous
Tim's cat Kitler looking miffed
Tim’s cat Kitler looking miffed. Possibly thinking of the Donbas region.

Support Bunga Bunga and Planet Maynard by becoming a Patreon

Tim’s art available by commission

Listen to Bunga Bunga 69

Bunga Bunga 69 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Get to Bungary as Bunga Bunga 69 welcomes 2022 with a wink, a smile and its pants down.

Tim Ferguson & Maynard journey across the world and their lounge-room to bring you the truth of a 2022 that Tim feels will be better and Maynard that knows it will be worse, a lot worse.

Read our Crankmail, solve history’s problems and yours as well.

It’s like Rick & Morty with just two Ricks.

Join us in our reality.

Support Bunga Bunga and Planet Maynard by becoming a Patreon

Tim’s art available by commission

Watch A Very Maynard 2021/1982 Xmas

This year Maynard wakes up from his 2020 Xmas show and decides maybe 1982 may be a better Xmas to celebrate.

Our guests dropping by this year include Tim Ferguson, Lesley Fountain, Bridgette Handley, Tony Push, The Castanet Club, Frank Bennett, James Valentine and a few cats.

Maynard thinks 1982 may be a better Xmas to celebrate than 2021.
A Very Maynard Xmas 2021. Lesley Fountain romances an apple.
A Very Maynard Xmas 2021. Lesley Fountain (Glenn Keenan) romances an apple.

Watch A Very 2020 Maynard Xmas.

Bunga Bunga 68 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 68 drags you out of lockdown and into the bright light of something shiny but cheap.

Tim Ferguson & Maynard will lift you spirits and lift your shirt. They will tell you what happened, what is happening and what will happen.

Sweden is insulted.

Support Bunga Bunga and Planet Maynard by becoming a Patreon

Tim’s art available by commission

Watch The Castanet Club documentary

Bunga Bunga 67 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 67 surprises the world with a vision of hope, whimsy and frippery. Just what you need in these trying times.

They could have used Kim Beazley as a battering ram.

Tim Ferguson (insurrectionist)

Learn where Kyneton is, experience the bass guitars of war and get yourself a decent super hero psychologist.

Tim takes a journey to 1990s Canberra in his Tim Tunnel, Maynard defenestrates himself via the 1960s and they both answer the percussion based question that has split the Nation in two.

When the world is forming a band, Australia usually plays the triangle.

Tim Ferguson (geopolitical strategist)
Madd Club Maynard Miss Kate Action Ant
Madd Club crew Maynard, Miss Kate & Action Ant

Having strangers stick money into my underpants makes me feel cheap and expensive at the same time.

Tim Ferguson (failed stripteuse)
Felipe Rose original Village People member talks DISCO

Support Bunga Bunga and Planet Maynard by becoming a Patreon

Tim’s art available by commission

Bunga Bunga 66

Madd Club at Botany View Hotel 29th May