Tag Archives: Paul Livingston

Bunga Bunga 74- Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 74 answers the eternal question “what is art?” with Tim Ferguson and Maynard. “It’s on the wall you goose”, is the only answer you need.

“Art is problematic Maynard. Let’s face it. It doesn’t fucking go with anything.”

Wendy Harmer

Tim Ferguson has been making art, while Maynard has become a librarian. We find out what fridge magnets have to do with painting as Paul Livingston & Tim go big on the cask wine at their big arty opening at The Sheffer Gallery in Darlington. Hear from Wendy Harmer, Andrew Denton, Gretel Killeen, Russell Cheek and plenty of people who actually know what “outsider art” and “gestural” actually mean.

Come for the insults to an iconic Canadian mammal, stay for Herb Alpert’s maracas in your left ear.

Bunga Bunga 74 is the intersection that proves both Oscar Wilde and Wendy Harmer may be right. You don’t get that every day. But what you do get every day can’t be put on a wall with accent lights. It mightn’t be the Bunga you want, but in these contemporaneous times, it’s the Bunga Bunga you need.

Only 10 minutes after opening and it's almost packed.
Only 10 minutes after opening and it’s almost packed. Photo: David Art Wales

Have a look at the artworks of Tim Ferguson & Paul Livingston, there are only a few unsold.

Maynard likes this painting. It's the only one done by both Paul and Tim at the exhibition.
Maynard likes this painting. It’s the only one done by both Paul and Tim at the exhibition. Paul talks about his desecration of Tim’s work during the podcast.
Paul Livingston artwork. Photo: David Art Wales
Paul Livingston artwork. Photo: David Art Wales
Tim Ferguson colour drawing of Paul Livingston.
Tim Ferguson colour drawing of Paul Livingston. Photo: David Art Wales
Kylie Minogue relaxes during Bunga Bunga 74 recording.
Kylie Minogue relaxes during Bunga Bunga 74 recording.
Tim Ferguson and Wendy Harmer take a brief nap during the proceedings.
Tim Ferguson and Wendy Harmer take a brief nap during the proceedings.

Details here for the online art contest Tim mentioned at the end of the show from Achieve Australia.

Bunga Bunga 73 was wild!

Spin Out movie opening night party

The big opening night party before the Sydney launch of Tim Ferguson’s movie Spin Out. Lots of excitement about ute driving and free drinks. Paul Livingston, Paul McDermott, Ted Robinson & hordes of Tim’s fans had something to say to Maynard.

McDermott and Livingston give Maynard the first reports of the Doug Anthony All Stars shows at The Edinburgh Festival and London last month. The first there in more than 20 years.

Maynard, Paul Livingston and Richard Saunders at Spin Out movie premiere
Maynard, Paul Livingston ANd Richard Saunders at Spin Out movie premiere