Tag Archives: Star Trek

William Shatner charms Sydney

William Shatner charmed the frankly overexcited crowd that came from far and very wide to see his live solo show at The State Theatre in Sydney in October 2018.

I grabbed my best Shatner tie and my 1969 BBC Star Trek puzzle book and knew I was going to be among my kind of people.

Maynard wearing his William Shatner tie for William Shatner live in Sydney.
If I can’t wear this tie tonight. Then when?

The resulting Planet Maynard podcast is from the dozen people I spoke with at The State Theatre that night.

The many shades of Shatner mentioned included:

The Outer Limits, TJ Hooker, Miss Congeniality, The Twilight Zone, Shit My Dad Says, Tribbles, Gorn, Kingdom of the Spiders, Canada, Red Shirts,Flying High 2, Star Trek 2 (but not Star Trek 5). Yet not one person could even hum the theme to one of my favourite works of The Shatman, Barbary Coast.

Here’s Bill in a mauve smoking jacket as he turns out to be a man of many disguises in the opening credits.

That theme tune!

Thanks to the Red Shirts, Belinda and her mum Robyn from the southern tablelands, Kevin Williams and the disgruntled Canadian.

Look At His Butt podcast (the all Bill all the time Star Trek show)

Maynard loves the musical career of Mr Shatner

Oh my, it’s George Takei in Australia

Having only met George Takei the once, last time he was in Sydney, I found him to be a total charmer and exactly the kind of guy you’d love to meet at a cocktail party. No matter what planet it was held on.

These clips should give you something to talk about with him on top of his constant media presence for the last 50 years, alleged difficulties with William Shatner, support of same sex marriage worldwide, reality TV show and his outspoken opinions on the new Sulu character in Star Trek.

We’ll be taking the Planet maynard podcast to George Takei’s shows in Sydney, so if you see us there don’t be shy. George won’t be.

All ahead full stop!

George Takei has had to postpone his Australian visit due to him getting actual movie work in July.

NOW HEAR THIS (write it in your Captain’s Log)

The New Dates now for An Evening with George Takei are:




Shatner Over Australia 2000

William Shatner (Barbary Coast), Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galacticia) and many other sci-fi notables came to Sydney in 2000 for a convention in the Sydney Entertainment Centre. The first press conference had some wacky questions, but this time not from me.

This is from my Rewind show on Channel V, Foxtel that was a weekly retro music show every Friday & Saturday night.

Check out that WTF look on the Shatsters’s face…

Double Dax! Star Trek Deep Space 9

Interviews with Star Trek actors Terry Farrell & Nicole de Boer, who played Jadzia & Ezri Dax, symbiant beings stationed at Deep Space Nine. They were both in Sydney for Culture Shock‘s OzTrek 9. We also learn of the popularity of the Star Trek door chimes in the “dealers room”. Deepwater Black and of course Becker get a mention.

Star Trek Movie Butt Style

Lene Taylor & Jungle Kitty host Look @ His Butt. A show about all things Shatner. But what do they think of the new Star Trek movie? Do they still think Chris Pine is an idiot? And thrill to the little known hit “Leonard Nimoy” from Freaky Realistic

New Star Trek Movie has William Shatner’s Butt-Girls Excited

The new Star Trek movie is upon us! To prepare properly for what is ahead Robbie from The Friends Of Sci Fi Fan Club (he has seen the movie) and The Look @ His Butt Girls, Lene Taylor & Jungle Kitty (they haven’t) weigh in on this pants crushing subject. (rude words used often)