Tag Archives: Tim Ferguson

Bunga Bunga 36 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

The pantomime horse of Australian podcasting Bunga Bunga 36 is back in your ears with a burst of wisdom, advice and poor life choices that you can take to the bunk. That isn’t a typo.

Tim Ferguson is earning dancer dollars with a butter dish while Maynard is earning a high distinction in misdirection by declaring Jedward the winner of this year’s Eurovision.

The Doug Anthony All Stars had to cancel their Perth show, but Tim is adamant it’s not his fault, but a nationwide appeal and witch hunt has begun none the less.

Bunga Bunga 36 investigates Bros, Star Wars and Tchaikovsky and finds them all guilty. Yet Tim Ferguson is a free man after telling a 1600 year old joke, there truely is no justice in this world.

Bunga Bunga from last time DAAS played Newcastle

Upcoming Doug Anthony All Stars shows

Tim’s Fake news You Can Trust at New Daily

Maynard with Jedward last time they were in town.

Help out the show by becoming a Patreon supporter, Tim & Maynard thank you.

Bunga Bunga 35 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

It’s always a fun day when Bunga Bunga comes to play.

We had a small audience gather at the Madame Frou Frou Cafe for this recording of Bunga Bunga. Tim Ferguson was his usual showboating self, and he wasted no time taking names and assigning blame to those who richly deserve it.

Tim thinks the Australian desert would look better without that big red rock blocking the view and contemplates destroying Uluru to improve tourism, he picks a fight with the Indian from Village People and he’s overly confident about a song he’s written about whistling.

Maynard is just looking forward to hanging out with a large group of nostalgic lesbians, singing torch songs.

Tim Ferguson in The New Daily – Fake News You Can Trust

Become a Patreon of Planet Maynard and help Bunga Bunga, comedy you need.

Bunga Bunga 34 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 34 dives straight into the naughty end of the pool, with Tim Ferguson declaring himself a feminist centrist. Maynard doesn’t know what this means so foolishly asks for his opinion on offensive comedy and stop/walk sign sexual ambiguity.

Tension is in the Bunga Bunga air as Tim Ferguson gets snippy about free speech and your mouth. Planet Maynard is up for an award and Tim has written the perfect speech, win or lose.

The listeners problems are solved, you find out what’s in Maynard’s Bug Out Bag and we all spot Hilary Clinton in a beer truck.

We even have the brief return of the unemployed screen writer of Glebe, while Tim reads a statement on his feelings towards Northcote (again).

Planet Maynard, it’s not where you live.

From Bunga Bunga 34:

The Cast Away Awards

The Geo Logic Podcast

Damien Cowell’s Disco Machine

Planet Maynard wins podcast award!

Planet Maynard wins the Cast Away Australian Podcast Award on Saturday night for Comedy & Entertainment, surprising his parents, his neighbour and his agent.

Saturday night the “who’s who” of “who’s that?” in the Australian podcasting scene turned out for the inaugural Cast Away Australian Podcast Awards, after welcoming a large group of podcasters on the mini red carpet Maynard thanked the holy trinity in his acceptance speech, Adam Curry, Tim Ferguson & John C Dvorak (the Holy Ghost).

The other shortlisted podcasts in the category The Ginni Show & We Facted Up were strong competition as they seem to know what they are doing.

Maynard’s acceptance speech went something like this:

I never thought I’d be accepting an award from an ABC employee.

ABC management told me my podcasts were “over produced and self indulgent”. Have you heard the 702 Drive show?

I’d like to thank the Holy Trinity; Adam Curry, Tim Ferguson and the Holy Ghost, John C Dvorak.

The Ginni Show and We Facted Up are both really good shows which makes this award even more surprising.

Thanks also to The Skeptic Zone, What Double J Should Sound Like, my Patreon supporters & Byson & Hume for keeping Planet Maynard’s lights on.

We all know why we podcast. Bicurious males and chicks dig podcasters.

My advice for podcasters everywhere? Two things, never throw away your archives, ever. And always try to enter an Awards show the first year it’s held.

Full list of finalists and winners so you can have your own awards night

Bunga Bunga 32 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Tim Ferguson and Maynard return for 2017 with Bunga Bunga (the podcast that solves all your problems and knows no shame).

Maynard & Tim Ferguson kick off 2017 with Tim experiencing a political, musical and sexual backlash.

A lengthy discussion then ensures at The Madame Frou Frou Cafe about cats, dope, The Greens & Tim finally explains why he is a better feminist than most.

This show Tim takes on choofing, The Greens and finally explains why he is a better feminist than most.

Maynard is back on ABC-TV & Channel 7, but you will have to look carefully.

You can find the details about Tim Ferguson berating the Skeptics In The Pub in Sydney on Thursday 2nd February here.

As always your support through Patreon as producers is appreciated here.

Spin Out movie opening night party

The big opening night party before the Sydney launch of Tim Ferguson’s movie Spin Out. Lots of excitement about ute driving and free drinks. Paul Livingston, Paul McDermott, Ted Robinson & hordes of Tim’s fans had something to say to Maynard.

McDermott and Livingston give Maynard the first reports of the Doug Anthony All Stars shows at The Edinburgh Festival and London last month. The first there in more than 20 years.

Maynard, Paul Livingston and Richard Saunders at Spin Out movie premiere
Maynard, Paul Livingston ANd Richard Saunders at Spin Out movie premiere

Spin Out – Tim Ferguson, Queen of the Desert

Maynard is on the set of Tim Ferguson’s new movie Spin Out in Shepparton. Meet the crew, the cast, the dog, and the local police as Maynard talks Utes and circle work.

Hear from Tim Ferguson, Morgan Griffin, Xavier Samuel, PiaGrace Moon, Lisa Kowalski, Thomas Blackburne, Travis Jeffery and other members of the cast and crew shooting in Shepparton that cold weekend.

Learn great movie and showbiz terms like “video village”, “data wrangler” and “banned from the set”.

Finally, Maynard gets schooled in the answer to the question all of Australia has been asking since the appearance of the V8 engine; Holden or Ford?

Language warning; one really rude filthy word, every ten minutes or so.

Spin Out at Hoyts

Spin Out on Facebook

Bunga Bunga 31 Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Tim Ferguson is off to the Edinburgh Festival with the Doug Anthony All Stars, Maynard has just returned from an Australian wide tour with lots of 80s stars. So they have a lot to talk about.

They answer your Crankmail and mention Vengaboys and Limahl.

This show Tim has some handy hints on how to start a fight while flying and how to deal with with those pesky English hecklers.

By the end of Bunga Bunga 31 we will have lived up to our usual Bunga Bunga guarantee that you will be no wiser, but you may have learned something.

Bunga Bunga 30 Supanova Special – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Maynard & Tim Ferguson take their Bunga Bunga podcast to Supanova Sydney 2016. They want to see the colour, costumes and FANS that make it a wild day out. AND they tackle the Burning Social Issue; Rebels or Empire?

Watch the video on Maynard’s Youtube channel