All posts by Maynard

Brain Freeze – video livestream The Coldest 100, 5th March.

Prepare yourself for the video livestream of the warmest parts of The Coldest 100, 2022.

Maynard hosts a video livestream of Australia’s own Coldest 100 – 2022. Saturday 5th March 8.30-9.30pm. Hand picked by Andrew Scholl, it will feature world class musical shonk that only Australia can produce.

The Coldest 100 is songs about Australia, that somehow don’t work out that well…

Expect to see Don Lane, Kyle Sandilands, Liza Minnelli, Ben Fordham, James Reyne, Samuel L Jackson, Barry Crocker, The Muzak Corporation, Wickety Wak, Lorrae Desmond, Frankie J Holden, Wilbur Wilde, Barry Crocker, Dean Martin, Victorian Police Cadets Skipping Team and the Big Brother cast of 2001 doing their bit to get on the show.

See you then! Mate…..

Link to video livestream active from 8.15pm Saturday 5th March

Facebook event

Australia’s Coldest 100 – 2022

Australia’s Coldest 100 returns this Saturday with world class musical shonk that only Australia can produce.

Just look at this list of artists that you’ll never see on the same list or even in the same sentence.

Don Lane, Kyle Sandilands, Liza Minnelli, Ben Fordham, James Reyne, Samuel L Jackson, Barry Crocker, The Muzak Corporation, Wickety Wak, Lorrae Desmond, Frankie J Holden, Wilbur Wilde, Barry Crocker, Dean Martin, Victorian Police Cadets Skipping Team and the Big Brother cast of 2001 for just a start.

As well as wonderful regional jingles that remind you that major hubs of industry such as Toowoomba and Tasmania are still there.

The Coldest 100 knows the intersection of corporate thinking and opportunistic musicians…

After all, any dingbat can put together a list of good songs. It take a certain kind of goose like Andrew Sholl to put together 100 songs of Australian musical flotsam for 7 years in a row now.

The Coldest 100 is songs about Australia, sometimes they just don’t work out that well…

Andrew Sholl

It will all be going down from 9am Saturday 22nd January on Twitter @Ozkitsch Andrew Sholl shows no sign of modifying his musical taste.

If this music irks you, you’re probably on the wrong website. But if you have that clip of Don Lane singing the theme from Hawaii 5-0, let us know so Andrew can put it in next year.

Look and listen to The Coldest 100 2020

Look and listen to The Coldest 100 2021

Don Lane with his dancers presenting the work of Billy Joel as I’m sure it was originally intended.
Liza goes window shopping while dreaming of a famous dog. We all do Liza, we all do.
Roy Mustaca calls in the supernatural to deal with Covid 19.
Samuel L Jackson brings it to Joe Dolce.
The 1974 shopping experience with the perfect soundtrack. Serious home making going on here. Great prices too.
James Reyne celebrates his passion for public infrastructure.

Watch A Very Maynard 2021/1982 Xmas

This year Maynard wakes up from his 2020 Xmas show and decides maybe 1982 may be a better Xmas to celebrate.

Our guests dropping by this year include Tim Ferguson, Lesley Fountain, Bridgette Handley, Tony Push, The Castanet Club, Frank Bennett, James Valentine and a few cats.

Maynard thinks 1982 may be a better Xmas to celebrate than 2021.
A Very Maynard Xmas 2021. Lesley Fountain romances an apple.
A Very Maynard Xmas 2021. Lesley Fountain (Glenn Keenan) romances an apple.

Watch A Very 2020 Maynard Xmas.

Bunga Bunga 68 – Tim Ferguson & Maynard

Bunga Bunga 68 drags you out of lockdown and into the bright light of something shiny but cheap.

Tim Ferguson & Maynard will lift you spirits and lift your shirt. They will tell you what happened, what is happening and what will happen.

Sweden is insulted.

Support Bunga Bunga and Planet Maynard by becoming a Patreon

Tim’s art available by commission

Watch The Castanet Club documentary

The Castanet Club Story story

Chit Chat von Loopin Stab and Tony Whittaker have made the best (and only) documentary on The Castanet Club. The Castanet Club Story.

Chit Chat drops in to tell Maynard the story behind the Story.

Warren Coleman, Steve Abbott with Chit Chat 2021
Warren Coleman, Steve Abbott with Chit Chat 2021. With photo from 1983.

Just look at what he wrote about us…

What The Castanet Club achieved in their 9 years would impact the landscape of Australian entertainment for the next 20yrs. The rise of Triple J, Sandman and Flacco, Young Einstein, Good News Week, Channel [V], Play School, Sale of the Century, Full Frontal, Happy Feet, Fast Forward, Kath, and Kim and even Mambo T-shirts are in some way connected to this remarkable group of unfashionable humans.

Mikey Robins as Elvis with Glenn Dormand in 80s photo by Maynard
Mikey Robins as Elvis with Glenn Dormand in 80s photo by Maynard

Watch the documentary here

Stories of Our Town site

Maynardarama (Maynard Opens Up) video livestream October

Maynard celebrates his opening up, and we all find out how excited the people and cats of Australia are about that.

The whole shabang has a heap of great tunes, fun and foolishness.

Lots of guests, including Tim Ferguson, George Hrab, Tony Push, Richard Saunders (dancing) and introducing Leslie Fountain as our new “choreography correspondent”.

There is an unseen version of Venus from The Castanet Club from 1986 that will give you some lighting tips.

Also thrill to Tea Towel Time and the Smart Ass Quiz with my silent co-hosts hippo Anderson Cooper and teddy Noam Chomsky.

Bring your cat.

I promise average entertainment for no apparent reason.

Maynardarama October 2021 (Maynard Opens Up)
Silent co-hosts hippo Anderson Cooper and teddy Noam Chomsky on Maynardarama October 2021
Silent co-hosts hippo Anderson Cooper and teddy Noam Chomsky.

Watch August Maynardarama